all postcodes in SN5 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN5 6AA 28 0 51.558273 -1.838671
SN5 6AB 46 0 51.558068 -1.840229
SN5 6AD 8 0 51.557862 -1.841182
SN5 6AE 2 0 51.558466 -1.841127
SN5 6AF 17 0 51.559486 -1.838234
SN5 6AG 11 0 51.560341 -1.838808
SN5 6AH 21 0 51.559431 -1.837498
SN5 6AJ 21 0 51.560213 -1.837683
SN5 6AL 48 0 51.559146 -1.839389
SN5 6AN 36 0 51.559385 -1.836618
SN5 6AP 19 0 51.559951 -1.83666
SN5 6AQ 15 0 51.560547 -1.838042
SN5 6AR 29 0 51.55978 -1.836357
SN5 6AS 28 0 51.559896 -1.835636
SN5 6AW 44 0 51.55915 -1.836259
SN5 6BA 8 0 51.557481 -1.838428
SN5 6BB 54 0 51.557138 -1.837376
SN5 6BD 19 0 51.556681 -1.838287
SN5 6BE 44 0 51.558836 -1.836101
SN5 6BG 26 0 51.558763 -1.835467